The Daily Struggles of Living with #EDS. #GeneticDisorder #DailyStruggles

The Struggles of Living with EDS

This clip provides a heartfelt insight into the daily struggles of living with EDS, making it relatable and informative. It highlights the challenges faced by patients, which can resonate deeply with viewers. #EDS #GeneticDisorder #dailystruggles

Really is in need of disability not a few patients who really needs disability well, good it’s a Penelope but now because I turn 66 you have a disability once you turn 66 in eight months so I think you could just be really gentle that’s why you’re the best okay, I will do my best I know I have this really huge onion I’ve had since I’ve been in coming like yeah, we’re not gonna fix that

Dr. Nail Nipper has produced several videos focusing on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and related toenail care. Here are some of her videos that you might find informative:

Understanding Genetic Nail Shapes: What You Need to Know
Dr. Nail Nipper discusses various genetic nail shapes, which can be relevant for individuals with EDS, and offers insights into proper nail care.